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solution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon

Name: solution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon
Format: Word /pdf Zip/All chapter include
price: 25$USD
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introduction name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon Edition:1st author:by Gerard Cachon, Christian Terwiesch ISBN:1259142205 ISBN-13: 978-1259142208 type:solution manual/课后习题答案 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Operations Management by Cachon comprehensively spans the relevant domain of topics, is accessible to a typical undergraduate student (i.e., limited real world Business experience), incorporates the latest research and knowledge, and provides thorough pedagogical support for instructors along with innovative learning support for students. Cover + Preview Relevant test bank for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon

name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon
author:by Gerard Cachon, Christian Terwiesch
ISBN-13: 978-1259142208
type:solution manual/课后习题答案
All chapter include 完整打包下载

Operations Management by Cachon comprehensively spans the relevant domain of topics, is accessible to a typical undergraduate student (i.e., limited real world Business experience), incorporates the latest research and knowledge, and provides thorough pedagogical support for instructors along with innovative learning support for students.

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solution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon

solution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon

solution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachonsolution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon

solution manual for Operations Management by Gerard Cachon


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