Marketing Management 4th Edition Marshall TEST BANK
Download Original Test Bank for Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston, ISBN10: 1264155387, ISBN13: 9781264155385, ISBN10: 1260381919, ISBN13: 9781260381917
Download Original Test Bank for Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston, ISBN10: 1264155387, ISBN13: 9781264155385, ISBN10: 1260381919, ISBN13: 9781260381917
Download Original Solution Manual for Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston, ISBN10: 1264155387, ISBN13: 9781264155385, ISBN10: 1260381919, ISBN13: 9781260381917
name:test bank for Marketing Strategy 7th Edition by O. C. Ferrell Edition: 7th Edition author:by O. C. Ferrell/Michael Hartline ISBN:9781337655750, 1337655759 type:TEST BANK format:word/zip All chapter include Marketing Strategy is part of the following subscription(s). Select learn more for details on the subscriptio...
name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Marketing Strategy 7th Edition by O. C. Ferrell Edition:7th Edition author:by O. C. Ferrell/Michael Hartline ISBN:9781337655750, 1337655759 type:solution manual format:word/zip All chapter include Marketing Strategy is part of the following subscription(s). Select learn more for details on the ...
name:TEST BANK for Marketing Strategy: A Decision-Focused Approach 8th Edition by Orville Walker Edition:8th Edition author:by Orville Walker, John Mullins (Author) ISBN:ISBN-13: 978-0078028946 ISBN-10: 0078028949 type:Test bank format:word/zip All chapter include Marketing Strategy, 8e is a focused, succinct text whic...
introduction name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases 6th Edition Edition:6th Edition author:by O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline ISBN:978-1285073040 ISBN-10: 1285073045 type:solution manual/课后习题答案 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Thoroughly revised and updated, Marketing Strategy, 6e continu...
introduction name:TEST BANK for Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases 6th Edition Edition:6th Edition author:by O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline ISBN:978-1285073040 ISBN-10: 1285073045 type:Test bank /题库 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Thoroughly revised and updated, Marketing Strategy, 6e continues with one pri...