Tag:Introduction to Management Science

name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets 5th Edition by Frederick S Hillier Edition:5th Edition author:by Frederick S Hillier ISBN:ISBN-13: 978-0078024061 ISBN-10: 0078024064 type:solution manual format:word/zip All chapter include The fifth edi...

name:TEST BANK for Introduction to Management Science 13th Edition Edition:13th Edition author:by Bernard Taylor ISBN:978-0134730660 ISBN-10: 0134730666 type:test bank /题库 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Introduction to Management Science gives readers a strong foundation in how to make decisions and solve c...

name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Introduction To Management Science 12th Edition Edition:12th Edition author:Bernard W. Taylor, III ISBN:0133778843 ISBN-13: 9780133778847 type:solution manual/课后习题答案 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 For undergraduate courses in Management Science. A logical, step-by-step approach to c...

name:TEST BANK for Introduction To Management Science 12th Edition Edition:12th Edition author:Bernard W. Taylor, III ISBN:0133778843 ISBN-13: 9780133778847 type:Test bank /题库 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 For undergraduate courses in Management Science. A logical, step-by-step approach to complex problem-...

name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Introduction to Management Science 13th Edition Edition:13th Edition author:by Bernard Taylor ISBN:978-0134730660 ISBN-10: 0134730666 type:solution manual/课后习题答案 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Introduction to Management Science gives readers a strong foundation in how to make decisi...

name:SOLUTION MANUAL for Introduction to Management Science 11th Edition Edition:11th Edition author:by Bernard W. Taylor III ISBN: 978-0132751919 ISBN-10: 0132751917 type:solution manual/课后习题答案 format:pdf/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Introduction to Management Science shows readers how to approach decision-making pr...

name:TEST BANK for Introduction to Management Science 11th Edition Edition:11th Edition author:by Bernard W. Taylor III ISBN: 978-0132751919 ISBN-10: 0132751917 type:Test bank /题库 format:word/zip All chapter include 完整打包下载 Introduction to Management Science shows readers how to approach decision-making problems in a st...