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Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David

Name: Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David
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name:TEST BANK for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David Edition:13th Edition author:by Fred R. David ISBN:ISBN-13: 9780136120988 ISBN-10: 0136120989 type:Test bank format:word/zip All chapter include A skills-oriented, practitioner perspective on strategy, thoroughly updated with current research and concepts.In today’s economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. Strategic Management captures the complexity of the current Business Environment and delivers the latest skills and concepts with unrivaled clarity, helping readers develop their own cutting-edge strategy through skill-developing exercises and cases.The thirteenth edition explores the current global recession and shows how it has affected the business environment, providing updated coverage of strategic-management concepts, theory, research, and techniques in every chapter. Cover + Preview

name:TEST BANK for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David
Edition:13th Edition
author:by Fred R. David
ISBN:ISBN-13: 9780136120988
ISBN-10: 0136120989
type:Test bank
All chapter include

A skills-oriented, practitioner perspective on strategy, thoroughly updated with current research and concepts.In today’s economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. Strategic Management captures the complexity of the current Business Environment and delivers the latest skills and concepts with unrivaled clarity, helping readers develop their own cutting-edge strategy through skill-developing exercises and cases.The thirteenth edition explores the current global recession and shows how it has affected the business environment, providing updated coverage of strategic-management concepts, theory, research, and techniques in every chapter.

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Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David

Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David

Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David

Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David

Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David

Test bank for Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 13th Edition by Fred R. David


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